We have a wonderful school library that is open to the staff and students.
Kindergarten and first graders may check out one book. Second and third graders may check out two books. Fourth, fifth, and sixth graders may check out two books, three if they are writing a report. Students must return books before checking out other items.
Books are checked out for one week. Students may renew books if needed beyond one week.
It is very important to return all books on time. Books are OVERDUE if they are not returned in one week. If a student has an overdue book, they may not check out any materials until the late book is returned.
Students should take good care of the materials they borrow. This includes using clean hands when reading; carrying the books safely; protecting materials from young children and pets; reporting any damage to the library staff. Please let the library staff make repairs.
Students are expected to use their best library manners. This includes showing respect for the staff, adults, and other students using the library; using quiet voices during free time; walking not running, and treating library furnishings and surroundings with care.
The Los Banos Unified School District has adopted the following charges for lost and/or damaged materials:
Hardbound books (including picture books)…. $18.50*
Paperback………………………………………$ 10.00*
Charge of replacement cost. A processing charge of $1.50 is included.
Fifty Cents will be charged for damaged or lost barcodes.
Lost or damaged books must be paid for before students are allowed to check out more materials.
*Cost of replacement book may be more depending on replacement price.