SLHS Visitors Policy
Requirements for Visitors
Visitors NOT having official school business are PROHIBITED
The following persons are not permitted on campus during school hours:
1. Those who are not students at SLHS
2. Those who are not school employees
3. Those that do not have official business at the school
Students are not allowed to bring visitors on campus. Students from other schools (i.e., school age visitors) are not allowed on campus unless they are on official school business.
Visitors WITH official school business are PERMITTED
The following persons are permitted on campus during school hours:
1. Visitors are allowed on campus after first reporting to the main office where they will complete the visitor’s sign-in log, and obtain a visitors pass. (48900k, PC 653G, PC 627)
2. All visitors to SLHS must display a valid picture ID when signing in at the main office, and clearly display their visitor’s pass while on campus
3. At the conclusion of their visit, visitors will return to the main office to sign-out, return their visitor’s pass, and leave campus
4. Parents who wish to visit their student’s class must have one-day prior approval with the main office and a parent shadowing contract on file. The teacher will be notified by administration or their designee.
5. SLHS does not permit visitors during the first or last week of school
6. SLHS Administration reserves the right to regulate visitations on campus
It is against the law to loiter around a school area while school is
in session or when a school activity is taking place