Incentive Shirts
We LOVE to recognize our TERRIFIC Tigers at LBE. We have several incentive shirts that students can earn. Click on the link to find out more.
Kindergarten Sight Words
Students can earn a free 50 Word Sight Word Shirt once they are able to read 50 sight words to administration. Click on the shirt for the complete list of words!

First / Second Grade Sight Words
Students in first and second grade may earn the 150 Sight Word Shirt! Students must be able to read and write their words in order to receive their free shirt. Click on the shirt for the complete list of words!

Third /Fourth Grade Multiplication Warrior
Students in third/fourth grade have the opportunity to earn a free multiplication incentive shirt by knowing their multiplication facts to 10. Students must be able to pass a six minute timed test. Click on the shirt to access free multiplication flashcards to print at home!