LEAP: Before and After School Programs

LEAP is Los Banos Elementary School’s afterschool, before school, and summer program. LEAP is a homework support, tutoring, and enrichment activities program aligned with the instructional day to promote student success. This program is free of charge and offers breakfast in the morning and a super snack in the afternoon.
The After School Program (ASP) begins at the end of every school day and remains open until 6:00 pm. The ASP offers daily nutritional snacks, homework support, physical activities, and enrichment activities.
The Before School Program (BSP) offers homework support, enrichment activities and breakfast. The LBE LEAP Before school program opens at 6:50 am and closes at 8:20 am every day school is in session.
The Summer Program operates for 15 days in June and is open for 6 hours each day. The summer program schedule and activities change from year to year. For more information, please contact the LBE Site Leader.
LEAP Priority enrollment is for students in need of academic support with referrals from school administrators and teachers. Any additional spaces will be filled on a first come, first served basis until the program reaches capacity. All additional students will be placed on a waitlist and admitted into the program as space is made available.
Parents can enroll in any or all of the programs. Enrollment packets are available in the LBE school office or by contacting the LBE LEAP Site Leader below. For more information, or if you have any concerns, you may contact the LBE Site Leader or Program Supervisor.
LBE Site Leader, Jessica Pieri-- at (209) 587-0444
Program Supervisor, Zachary Cruz – at 209-826-0231 zcruz@losbanosusd.k12.ca.us