District Parent Advisory Meetings - DELAC
Welcome to the Los Banos Unified School District English Learners Advisory Committee (DELAC). We hope that you find the information presented here both useful and informational. DELAC is composed of representatives from each school's English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), a school-based committee required if there are more than 21 English Learners at that school. The Committee's role is to advise the district on programs and services for English Learner students. For more information, contact your school principal, your ELAC representative, any DELAC Officer, Alberto Verduzco, DELAC District Administrator Designee, at 826-3801, ext. 7033, Paula Mastrangelo, Elementary Area Administrator at 826-3801, ext. 1008 or Eric Sowersby, Director of State and Federal Programs at 587-1621, ext. 7708.
The Los Banos Unified School District's English Language Advisory Committee meets regularly to discuss issues related to the needs of our English Learners and provides advice to the School Board. Each year the committee creates and conducts a needs assessment to survey parents and guardians throughout the district.The focus of the survey is determined by the parent members of the committee. The survey typically gathers information regarding topics to be discussed or researched further based on current students or school issues. Once data is collected from the survey the topics for meeting presentations are set in the upcoming year's calendar.
DELAC Responsibilities
Development of a district master plan for education programs and services for English learners. The district master plan will take into consideration the school site master plans.
Conducting a district wide needs assessment on a school-by-school basis.
Establishment of district program, goals, and objectives for programs and services for English learners.
Development of a plan to ensure compliance with any applicable teacher and/or teacher aide requirements.
Review and comment on the school district reclassification procedures.
Review and comment on the written notifications required to be sent to parents and guardians.
If the DELAC acts as the English learner parent advisory committee under California Education Code Sections 52063(b)(1) and 52062(a)(2), the DELAC shall also review and comment on the development or annual update of the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP)
Responsabilidades de DELAC
El desarrollo del plan maestro del distrito para los programas educativos y servicios para los alumnos aprendices del inglés, tomando en consideración los planes maestros escolares para rendimiento académico de cada escuela. o La administración de una evaluación de necesidades en el distrito llevada a cabo en cada escuela.
El establecimiento de programa, metas, y objetivos de los programas y servicios a nivel del distrito para los alumnos aprendices del inglés.
El desarrollo de un plan del distrito para asegurar que los maestros y auxiliares de maestros que trabajan con los alumnos aprendices del inglés cumplan con los requisitos profesionales pertinentes.
Revisar y comentar acerca del procedimiento del distrito para la reclasificación de los alumnos aprendices del inglés.
Revisar y comentar sobre las notificaciones escritas que se requieren enviar a los padres o tutores.
Si el DELAC sirve de comité asesor de padres de aprendices del inglés bajo el Código de Educación de California Secciones 52063(b)(1) y 52062(a)(2), el DELAC debe revisar y comentar sobre el desarrollo o actualización anual del Plan de Control Local y Responsabilidad de Cuentas (LCAP).