Teacher Induction
We are pleased to offer our Teacher Induction Programs to all district teachers who possess a preliminary general education and/or special education credential at no cost to the candidate. Candidates work with a mentor and reflect upon their teaching practice. The Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) allows candidates to self-select areas for growth and areas for action research through inquiry and investigation. At the completion of Los Banos Induction requirements, teachers are recommended for a California clear teaching credential (multiple subject, single subject, or education specialist).
Teachers working with a Provisional Intern Permit (PIP), Short-Term Staff Permit (STSP), or intern credential are also paired with a mentor at no cost to the candidate. Upon earning the preliminary credential, those candidates are admitted into the Induction Program.
Click here to view our flow chart to a clear credential.
Click here to view our syllabus for fall-start candidates.
Click here to view our syllabus for winter-start candidates
Please contact us for more information.
Barbara Severns, Induction Coordinator 1
Nancy Gilardi Induction Coordinator 2
Administrator Induction (operational in July, 2024)
We are also pleased to offer our Administrator Induction Program to all district administrators who possess a preliminary administrative services credential at no cost to the candidate. Candidates work with a coach and reflect upon their leadership practice. The Individualized Induction Plan (IIP) allows candidates to self-select areas for growth and areas for action research through inquiry and investigation. The candidate will be recommended for the CA clear administrative services credential with the completion of:
1. Two successful years of successful experience in a full-time administrative position
2. All program requirements
Click here to view our syllabus
Please contact us for more information.
Barbara Severns, Induction Coordinator 1
Nancy Gilardi Induction Coordinator 2
Vision of the Los Banos Induction Programs
The vision of the Los Banos Induction Programs is to provide job-embedded and candidate-driven support to induction candidates. Teacher and Administrator candidates are paired with a mentor/coach at the beginning of the school year to ensure a smooth start to the school year. The Los Banos Induction program creates and sets forth a research-based vision of teaching and learning that encourages consistency within our program.
Professional learning and training for both teacher and administrators is directly linked to district and site initiatives. Sessions are scheduled for teacher candidates to share implementation of ideas in their classrooms and relate it to their ILP goals. Sessions are also scheduled for administrators to share the implementation of their IIP goals and their growth as leaders at the end of each year. Thus all activities, reflection, professional learning, and mentoring support are connected to candidate need and are fully job-embedded.
Teacher Induction -
To structure our program for teachers, Supporting Beginning Teachers (Boogren, 2022) and Coaching for Educator Wellness (Boogren, 2021) provide the foundation to prepare our candidates and mentors. The components guiding our work and the process design are site based, and implementation of our model is ongoing. The researched-based seminar topics gleaned from these resources guide both our process design and implementation, for both candidates and mentors. Our vision is consistent with preparing educators for California public schools and the effective implementation of California’s adopted standards and curricular frameworks.
Beginning with an intake meeting with induction leadership prior to the beginning of the school year, candidates are provided with a basic program description and share their induction development plan from their credentialing program. That plan provides introductory information necessary for mentor pairing and developing professional learning opportunities that meet the needs of new teachers.
Teacher candidates are provided a handbook and an overview of activities and submission timelines at the initial meeting at the beginning of the school year. They are apprised of the process of earning a clear credential. The grievance process and other program-specific processes are also included. Candidates, their mentors, and their site administrators are provided regular updates on program completion to help ensure that progress towards the clear credential is maintained.
The California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) provide the foundation for all reflection and activities in which the teacher candidates are engaged. From an initial self-reflection utilizing the Continuum of Teaching Practice to the development of Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) goals, teacher candidates identify their strengths and areas for focus. ILP goals are reviewed throughout their time in induction and are revised or changed as needed. Participation in a symposium at the end of each school year allows teacher candidates to share their growth and areas of focus with other teacher candidates, mentors, and administrators.
Administrator Induction -
To structure our program for administrators, Dare to Lead (Brown, 2018) provides the foundation for coach training and support. The skills that the coaches learn in a safe environment are then shared with the candidates. This provides supporting to beginning administrators as they move into a leadership role including honing their skills in empathy and supporting their growth in resilience. Learning to both give and receive feedback is developed through guided practice. As stated on p. 241, "We have to teach people how to land before they jump. When you go skydiving, you spend a lot of upfront time jumping off a ladder and learning to hit the ground without hurting yourself... The same is true in leadership - we can't expect people to be brave and risk failure if they're not prepped for hard landings."
Beginning with an intake meeting with induction leadership prior to the beginning of the school year, candidates are provided with a basic program description. The Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources also meets with each new administrator and uses knowledge of the pool of coaches as well as the experiences and personality of the new administrator to pair them with a coach.
Administrator candidates are provided a handbook and an overview of activities and submission timelines at the initial meeting at the beginning of the school year. They are apprised of the process of earning a clear credential. The grievance process and other program-specific processes are also included. Candidates, their coaches, and their site administrators are provided regular updates on program completion to help ensure that progress towards the clear credential is maintained.
The California Professional Standards for Education Leaders (CPSEL) provide the foundation for all reflection and activities in which the administrator candidates are engaged. From an initial self-reflection utilizing the Descriptions of Practice to the development of Individualized Induction Plan (IIP) goals, administrator candidates identify their strengths and areas for focus. IIP goals are reviewed throughout their time in induction and are revised or changed as needed. Participation in a benchmark assessment at the end of year 1 allows administrator candidates to share their growth and areas of focus with other candidates, coaches, and administrators. Participating in the summative assessment at the end of year 2 provides the final demonstration of mastery of the CPSEL.