A Warm Welcome to the Transitional Kindergarten or T-K Center
Located at 1149 “B” Street right next to the Merced County Center and R.M. Miano Elementary School. Our philosophy is student centered, and as great philosopher Plato said, “The direction in which education starts a person WILL determine their future in life.” Our Motto at the school is, “Where Learning Begins”, and “T.E.A.M.” Together Everyone Achieves More! Building social emotional skills and making learning fun is our number one goal!
Starting school is a very exciting time for children and their families!
It begins a new chapter in their lives and sets the tone for children's future. But California’s kindergarten standards and curriculum have changed over the years, and many of the skills children were once taught in first grade are now expected in kindergarten. This can make the transition into kindergarten difficult for some children, and the youngest children entering the kindergarten classroom often struggle to adjust. The good news is that California recently passed a law to create transitional kindergarten, giving children an opportunity to learn in a hands-on, interactive way that supports their development, while still maintaining the rigor and high standards of kindergarten. By giving them an opportunity to develop their social and academic skills and the confidence that will help them succeed in kindergarten and beyond.
Why is Transitional Kindergarten Good for Kids?
Transitional kindergarten provides children with an opportunity to learn in an enriching and academically challenging environment that nurtures their growth. Research shows that children who attend kindergarten readiness programs like transitional kindergarten are more likely to do well in school and attend college. Parents all over California recognize the benefits of transitional kindergarten, and many parents have already been enrolling their children in similar programs, public and private, for years. Offering transitional kindergarten will help all of our kids get the best start possible, with curriculum that is designed just for them.
What is Transitional Kindergarten?
Transitional kindergarten is a bridge between preschool and kindergarten for children turning 5 years old between September 2 and February 2. It gives young learners a head start and provides them with an opportunity to learn and grow in an environment that is tailored to meet their academic and social needs. Transitional kindergarten: for children who turn 5 between September 2 and February 2nd is part of the public school system and is free for families Uses a unique, specialized curriculum that is based on the kindergarten standards and is designed to support young 5 year olds, all classes are taught by credentialed teachers with extra training to teach young kindergarteners
What Happens in a Transitional Kindergarten Classroom?
A Transitional Kindergarten program gives children a sense of worth and develops confidence in each child’s learning abilities. The program provides excitement for learning and various learning/social opportunities in shorter whole group and small group sessions. The program provides learning centers and “play” centers that provide time to apply academic and social skills by incorporating songs and movement sessions to develop small and large muscle skills. The program develops self-direction and self responsibility. Children learn about the classroom and school environment and how to act appropriately, yet independently. Children learn problem-solving skills and learn to make proper decisions in social and academic situations. The program focuses on vocabulary development, listening, and memory skills. Oral language skills are developed with an emphasis on sharing and story retelling in whole and small group discussions.
The New Laws :
Under Senate Bill (SB) 1381 (Chapter 705, Statutes of 2010) amended California Education Code (Section 46300, 48000, and 48010) to change the required birthday for admission to kindergarten. Under this new law, children must turn 5 years old on or before September 1 to enroll in kindergarten. Previously, children could be enrolled in kindergarten if they turned 5 years old by February 2nd, While this change of a few months may seem small, it can mean a big difference during these early years when children are rapidly growing and developing. The law also created transitional kindergarten, so the children who will be affected by this change – those with birthdays between September and February – will have an opportunity to continue building their skills and abilities. Their time in transitional kindergarten will help them to succeed in kindergarten, become leaders in the classroom and confidently navigate the school day routine.
Dan Martin
Program Coordinator
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